The Family Strengthening Coalition is committed to using the best available research to ensure the maternal health system in Plumas County is best positioned to support families.
The Maternal Health Network uses the most up-to-date research to inform our work on behalf of families in San Bernardino County. The Network has compiled various research reports specific to maternal and infant health that inform the experiences and outcomes of babies and mothers.
Breastfeeding Initiative
The California Department of Public Health partnered with WIC to develop social media posts, educational resources, and graphics to promote the many health benefits of breastfeeding and chestfeeding.
Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System
Each year, CDC requests each state to voluntarily send copies of death certificates for all women who died during pregnancy or within 1 year of pregnancy, linked live birth or fetal death certificates, and additional data when available. This data is compiled into an annual report.
Hospital-Level Variation in the Frequency of Cesarean Delivery Among Nulliparous Women Who Undergo Labor Induction
This study evaluated the use of administrative data for identification of labor induction and estimated the variation in cesarean delivery rates among low-risk women who underwent labor induction.
Black Mamas Matter
This toolkit has helped lay the groundwork for policy change while highlighting Black mamas’ human right to safe and respectful care.