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How can you help serve families and children in Plumas County?

The Plumas County Children and Families Commission is recruiting a Commissioner to direct the implementation of the strategic plan and determine which services and projects should be funded from Proposition 10 revenues.  The Commission is recruiting a “Commissioner at Large” who may represent any geographic area of the county. Parents and service providers of children ages 0-5 are encouraged to apply.  While Commission membership is a voluntary position, reimbursement for gas and child care is available.


The California Children and Families Commission Act (Proposition 10) made funds available to local county commissions to promote, support, and improve the early development of children from prenatal to age five.

Let’s Work Together

We are accepting commissioner applications!  Please apply here and we will email you to set up a meeting.

Ethnic group with which you most closely identify?
Thanks for submitting!

Commissioner Description and Terms:

First 5 Plumas, also known as Plumas County Children and Families Commission, is the public entity responsible for disbursing Plumas County’s Proposition 10 funds. The purpose of First 5 Plumas is to carry out the implementation of the California Children and Families Act to promote, support and enhance the early childhood development of children from the pre-natal stage through age 5.


Compensation: The members of the First 5 Plumas Commission serve without compensation except for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses for attending meetings and other official responsibilities as authorized by the commission and in accordance with the reimbursement policies of the Plumas County Auditor’s office.


Term: First 5 Plumas Commissioners serve two-year (2) terms and may be re-appointed to subsequent terms.


Role of the Commission:

â—‹ The Commission determines the policies of the Commission.

â—‹ The Commission provides accountability to the broader community.

â—‹ The Commission provides input and expertise needed for good management in all of the functional areas of the Commission.

â—‹ The Commission assures the financial stability of the organization.

â—‹ The Commission conducts an annual review of the Strategic Plan and revises the Plan, as necessary.

â—‹ The Commission prepares and adopts an annual budget for the administration and implementation of the Strategic Plan.

â—‹ The Commission meets in regularly noticed public meetings in accordance with the Brown Act.

â—‹ The Commission may delegate some of its work to committees and staff.

â—‹ The Commission hires, fires, supervises and evaluates the Executive Director who has similar responsibility for the remaining staff.

â—‹ The Commission monitors the implementation of the Strategic Plan and a system of early childhood information, programs and services.


Membership and Qualifications: Members of the Commission must work well as a team, being able to reach consensus as a group and, at times, resolve tough issues in public settings. The First 5 Plumas Commission is comprised of nine members who are residents of Plumas County and appointed by the Plumas County Board of Supervisors.



â—‹ Attend regular meetings:

• There are nine regular Commission meetings per year, which are usually scheduled the first Monday of the month and begin at 9:00 a.m.

• Be available for special Commission meetings as the need arises.

â—‹ Participate on committees:

• Commissioners may be appointed to sit on the Executive Committee, Personnel Committee, or other ad hoc committees as the need arises.

â—‹ Stay informed and review information sent by staff outside of meetings

â—‹ Communicate regularly and meet with staff as needed.

â—‹ Remain focused on the goals of the Commission (versus personal).


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County Annex Building

270 Hospital Road, Suite 206
Quincy CA 95971


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